Easy to use great if you have multiple iOS calendars!
First let me say that I really do like this app. It is intuitive in design and simple to use, but after I purchased it I found it almost to simple lacking in some of the features other similar app have. BUT when I tried those apps, I found them lacking in the quality of design that this app has. I also found that many of the calendar apps that would sync to Calendar via mobile me or icloud, would not let me select which calendars that I wanted to view. Since, I have my iOS Calendar contains many "shared calendars" I found this to be a critical feature.
Top feature I would find to be useful.
A way to create to-dos based in existing calendar appointments. Example: I all ready have a calendar for birthdays. It would be nice if there was a "add to-do" for the event. So, I could easily add a call Aunt Jean, or send moms present and have the base information from my iOS calendar linked. I would also like to have a way to categorize and chart tasks/events. I liked this feature in the schedule planner pro app, but I didnt like the apps design. A way to add gps mapping for appt ie directions to the doctors or birthday party.
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Task and Cal : Easily Manage your Tasks and Calendar